Webster Education Foundation hosted its 7th Annual Taco BINGO event on Saturday, April 15th at Webster High School. An estimated 500 people were in attendance and a fantastic time was had by all!
After a great Taco dinner served by our own school kitchen staff, there were two rounds of BINGO and over 60 raffle prize drawings. Webster Education Foundation estimates that this year $15,000 worth of prizes were taken home by lucky winners! Prizes were incredible this year! Please look for the donor list printed in this issue of The Bridge and consider patronizing the wonderful local businesses that are so generous to our school and our community.
The Webster Trap Team and Middle School Leadership provided concessions at the event. WEF matched $1715.00 in funds raised by both groups.
All proceeds from Taco BINGO are used for big projects in the School District.
WEF was able to award the following classroom grants during the 2024 Spring grant cycle: Ms. Stef Janssen – Spanish teacher received $2108 for new dry erase tables in her classroom. Ms. Erin Hall, Health/PE teacher, received $1250 for cleanable bands for Polar Heart Monitors (previously purchased by WEF and the Webster Lions Club). 1st grade teachers Laura Eckart, Theresa Fish and Andrea Nightingale were granted $831.32 for the 1st grade field trip on the Vista Cruise/Duluth. 7/8 grade science teacher, Mr. Keith Kemp was granted $750 for a Namekagon River science trip this Spring. WEF has both a Fall and Spring classroom grant cycle each year.
The Webster School Greenhouse was completed and is now up and running for Spring with the help of Stef and Will Janssen, Dave Formanek and donations from the Fimreite Family Greenhouse in Whitehall, WI. It will be fun to see what is growing this Spring!
Another wonderful Mary Conroy Memorial project was implemented this Spring. On April 24th, author Kevin Lovegreen visited Webster Elementary. He writes books about hunting, fishing, and the outdoors. He did a presentation for 3 & 4th grade as well as Kindergarten-2nd grades. He even ate lunch with the kids! In the afternoon, he met with the 3rd and 4th grades in the library to teach them how to enhance their writing skills. Then, signed classroom books for every teacher in the elementary were purchased through the Memorial donations. We are sure Mary would approve!
The week of May 4th was Teacher and Staff Appreciation week. WEF celebrated our teachers, administrative, and support staff by loading the teachers lounges with tons of treats and having a drawing each day of the week for a gift certificate from a local business Including Log Cabin Store, Austin Lake Greenhouse and Fusion Bistro.
On May 8th, Webster High School held the annual Academic Banquet. At the event this year, WEF along with the Charles and Eunice Tollander Foundation and with funding donated specifically for scholarships from the former Danbury Lions Club, awarded a total of $8500 to 10 Webster High School Seniors. The award winners were Morgan Johnson, Amanda Klug, Malorie Wilcox, William A. Johnson, Zoey Rossow, Kynnedie Schauer, Kendra Jackson, Lauren Hetfeld, Xander Hill and Ashley Wolf. Congratulations to all of our WHS Seniors! Best wishes as you move forward on your journeys!
The 8th Annual WEF Golf Scramble is on the books for Friday, August 2nd at the beautiful Voyager Village Golf Course. We will be hosting teams of 4. This is a really fun event with games, prizes and dinner included! Please watch the WEF website (www.websteref.org ) and Facebook page for registration information. Wear your best golf gear for a chance at the “Best-Dressed Award”! We will also be looking for Hole Sponsors and a few prize donations for this event. If you are interested in donating or participating, please contact us at wef@webster.k12.wi.us.
2024 WEF Board members: Robyn Formanek, Jim Olson, Debbie Maloney, Wendy Larsen, Kenzie Gauger, Dr. Benjamin McKinley, Jessie Schwendeman, Jeff Roberts, Dr. Dorothy Morrison, Devin Danielson and Anna Pearson
Have a fun and safe summer and stay #TigerProud!!