2024 Golf Scramble Recap with Photos
The 10th Annual Webster Education Foundation Golf Scramble Tournament was held on Friday, August 4, 2023, at the beautiful Voyager Village Golf Course. Thirty-two 4-person teams played in the tourney this year. A fantastic time was had by all! Prize winners included the first-place Phil Lahde team (pictured) of: Phil Lahde, Todd Johnson, Trevor Johnson and Tyler Miller. Other contest winners included – Men’s Longest Drive: Max Anderson, Men’s Closest to the Pin: Nate Morris, Women’s Longest Drive: Julie Steiner, and Women’s Closest to the Pin: Linda Bauer.
If there would have been a prize for best-dressed, the team representing the Webster Class of 1994 of Shawn Heier, Myron Mansfield, Ed Stickland and Truman Stickland would have won, hands down, but there were a few other teams that dressed for the occasion!
There was an Alumni Hole Sponsorship Contest, challenging classes of Webster grads to see which one could raise the most funds for the event. It was dominated by the Class of 1975.
Dave Formanek won a 2-person kayak donated by Wayne’s Foods Plus in a putting contest. There were fun dice games, hula hoop and Tiger head targets, a chance at $10,000 for a Hole-in-One sponsored by Noah Insurance and a chance at a year’s supply of Omaha Steaks for a Hole-in-One.
WEF would like to send a special Thank-you to Kim Johnson and Miki Messer for co-chairing this amazing event, as well as the many other volunteers who help make this such a success. As always, the Foundation must acknowledge all of the support from our amazing local businesses and community members who consistently support our Webster School District students and staff.

Phil Lahde Team

Class of 1994 Team

Class of 1994 Team: Ed Stickland, Truman Stickland, Shawn Heier and Myron Mansfield

Webster Fire team members: Luke Krueger, Al Steiner, Julie Steiner, Charlie Weis, Sue Weis

Ruben Ruiz plays hybrid golf on the course

The Webster Football Coaching Team

“Voluntold” Volunteers: Kaitlyn Moser, Danielle Formanek, Cassidy Formanek-Wols, Ellie Smith, Abby Smith, Winter Messer