Webster Education Foundation hosted its 6th Annual Taco BINGO event on Saturday, April 15 at
Webster High School. An estimated 650 people were in attendance and a fun time was had by all!
The evening started with a Taco dinner followed by a free prize drawing for every child 12 years old
and under.
There were two rounds of BINGO and over 60 raffle prize drawings. Webster Education Foundation
estimates more than $10,000 in prizes was awarded to some very excited winners!
The Webster Trap Team and Middle School Leadership provided concessions at the event. WEF
matched $1438 in funds raised by both groups.
All proceeds from this event are used for big projects like the replacement of the sound system in
the Middle/High School Cafetorium scheduled for June 23, 2023, and to support students and staff
in the School District of Webster in many other ways.
The week of May 8 was Teacher and Staff Appreciation week. WEF celebrated our teachers,
administrative, and support staff celebrate by gifting them with certificates from Fusion Bistro Café
Market on Main Street in Webster. We would like to thank Jen Hetfeld from Fusion for generously
matching funds for these gifts!
On May 10, Webster High School held the annual Academic Banquet. At the event this year, WEF
along with the Charles and Eunice Tollander Foundation, awarded eight Senior scholarships. The
award winners were Felicity Lamb, Ava Washburn, Talen Connor, Petra Hamm, Marissa Benjamin,
Olivia Buskirk, Dahlia Dorn and Madilyn Carlson. Congratulations to all of our WHS Seniors! Best
wishes as you move forward on your journeys!
Don’t forget the WEF Memorial Day Arts and Crafts Extravanganza on Saturday, May 27 th next to the
WHS football field. The show begins at 9am and runs until 4pm, rain or shine! Dozens of local
crafters will be there. Grab a snack and look around!
The 7th Annual WEF Golf Scramble is on the books for Friday, August 4 at the beautiful Voyager
Village Golf Course. We will be hosting teams of 4. This is a really fun event with games, prizes and
dinner included! Please watch the WEF website (www.websteref.org ) and Facebook page for
registration information. We will also be looking for Hole Sponsors and a few prize donations for
this event. If you are interested in donating or participating, please contact us at
wef@webster.k12.wi.us .
Have a fun and safe summer and stay #TigerProud!!